Friday, 9 January 2009


Welcome to the McIlhagga Clan Blog!  For the last seven years two of us have produced an annual Clan Newsletter.  It's been a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work, and each year it gets more expensive to produce and send out.  We've put quite a bit of research into it, and it's made us a lot of friends - and as far as I know, no enemies.  Also it's a long time between each Newsletter, and research on our Clan doesn't stop.  Sometimes things crop up that could be shared immediately. So what better than a Blog which folk can access at any time?  Don't hesitate to contribute or respond to what we write.

Where better to start than the holiday season that's just over.  I received a Christmas card from friends in Bathgate, Scotland that said they had been to a locally written theatre production - it may have been a Pantomime - that had a character in it with the name McIlhagga!  I had written a piece in the Newsletter we sent out in October referring to a couple of 'fictional' McIlhaggas, one in a Radio sketch and one in a story published on the Internet.  Well, here was a third one!  I'd love to know more about it.  Would the author or producer like to reveal themselves and tell us about the play?  Did the character refer to a local person?  There are certainly several McIlhagga families living in Bathgate!

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