Monday, 13 December 2010

Wills of Son and Father

I now come to the Will of Nathaniel McIlhagga who died at the young age of 41 in March 1937. As with many of the Wills I have been reviewing there is a slight discrepancy between the date of death recorded on the Will and that recorded elsewhere, in this case on a Memorial Stone in Connor New Cemetery, namely 23rd March and 22nd March respectively. Nathaniel was the youngest son of Archibald McIlhagga and Agnes Jamieson. There are references to his wife Charlotte both on the Memorial Stone and in the Will, but I have as yet found no record of their marriage. It is clear from his Will that when he died he was working in the Linen Industry, on the 'shop floor'. The Will was proved at the Belfast Registry only five weeks after he died, on 30th April 1937. The Full Abstract reads as follows:

McIlhagga Nathaniel of 62 Excise Street Belfast damask tinter died 23 March 1937 at Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast Administration Belfast 30 April to Charlotte McIlhagga the widow. Effects £359 8s. 8d.

Nathaniel was only two years old when his father Archibald died in 1898. He, like his son, died in his mid-40s, a farmer at Maxwellswalls. The full Abstract reads: Probate of the Will of Archibald M'Ilhagga late of Maxwellswalls County Antrim Farmer who died 10th April 1898 granted at Belfast to Agnes M'Ilhagga the widow. I have previously printed this in my blog of 15th August 2009. In Archibald's case there is a full image of the Will which I have also previously printed in my blog of 29th August 2009.

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