Sunday, 11 September 2011

World War 2

Yesterday one of my grandsons e-mailed me to ask be about my memories of living through the Second World War. He had a homework project to complete! He was also interested to know if any McIlhaggas had served in that war. I realised that although I have referred to some eleven people in this blog I have never brought together the names of the clan members who so served, and perhaps it would be useful to do so - at least for when the next grandson asks the same question. I will list them in alphabetical order of first names and add the date(s) of the blogs in which they may be found:

1. April McIlhagga (nee Smith), Officer, Women's Auxiliary Air Force: 16 Mar 2010;
2. Florence Jane McIlhagger, Aircraftswoman, Royal Australian Air Force: 29 Oct 2009;
3. Frederick William McIlhagger, Victory Defence Corps, Australia: 3 Oct 2009;
4. James McIlhagga, American Army: 12 Dec 2009;
5. James J. McIlhagga, Gunner, Royal Artillery, Maritime Regt.: 23 Jan 2010;
6. Norah Georgina McIlhagger, Corporal, Royal Australian Air Force: 29 Oct 2009;
7. Liston Burns McIlhagga, Comdr, Royal Navy & Lt. Comdr, Royal Canadian Navy: 17 Mar 2010;
8. Robert (Ross) McIlhagga, Canadian Army: 23 Jan 2010;
9. William McIlhagga [POW], Ft.Lt, Royal Air Force & Col. Royal Canadian Air Force: 28 Apr 2010; 18 Dec 2010, 25 May 2011;
10. William John McIlhagga [POW], Australian Army, Infantry: 19 Sep 2009, 1 Dec 2010;
11. William Neil Duncan McIlhagga, Royal Canadian Air Force Ferry Command: 20 Dec 2009.

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