Sunday, 17 June 2012

McIlhagger Burials

I am continuing yesterday's blog, revisiting the Belfast City Council burials on line. Yesterday I recorded all the McIlhagga spellings, though one was a mis-spelling for McIlhagger! Here are the rest of the McIlhaggers:

Belfast Cemetery, Section H, Grave 289.
Martha McIlhagger of 99 Charles Street South, aged 15 months, died of Worm Fever on 17th November 1875. Religion: Presbyterian; fee paid 7/6d. Owner of grave: John McIlhagger. John McIlhagger was Martha's father. Martha died eight years before the family emigrated to Australia. They had another daughter in 1876 whom they called Martha Ann.

Belfast City Cemetery, Section H, Grave 289.
Rebecca McIlhagger of 99 Charles Street South, aged 17 days, died of debility on 24th November 1878. Religion: Presbyterian; fee paid 7/6d. Owner of grave: John McIlhagger. John was the father of Rebecca.

Belfast Cemetery, Section KI, Class 4, Grave 334.
Henry Joseph McIlhagger of 42 Gainsborough Drive, aged 32 years, Shipwright, died on 23 July 1918 of Influenza. Religion: Presbyterian; fee paid 10/-. Signed as Proprietor of the Ground, James Boyd. In the past it has been thought that Henry (Harry) who worked at Harland & Woolf Shipyards, had died as the result of an accident there. However this is not born out by this burial record. James Boyd was probably his brother-in-law who had married his sister Mary Kathleen.

Belfast Cemetery, Section KI, Class 4, Grave 334.
Mary Jane McIlhagger of 168 Alexander Park Avenue, aged 75 years, died of Senile Debility on 6th Feb. 1929. Religion: Episcopalian; fee paid 15/-. The person who signed as having the management of the interment was James Boyd of 168 Alexander Park Avenue. He signed as the representative of George McIlhagger, deceased, the registered Proprietor of the Ground. James must have been Mary Jane's son-in-law.

Belfast Cemetery, Section KI, Class 4, Grave 334.
George McIlhagger of 29 New North Queen Street, aged 66 years, died of Cardiac failure on 15th September 1914. Religion: Presbyterian; fee paid 7/6d. The person who signed as the Registered Proprietor of the Ground was James Boyd. George was the husband of Mary Jane (nee Boyd) above. Again, James Boyd must have been George's son-in-law.

Belfast Cemetery, Section II, Class 2, Grave 59.
David McIlhagger of 87 Fitzroy Avenue, aged ?, Foreman Shipwright, died on 7 March 1919 of Pneumonia. Religion: Episcopalian; fee paid 15/-. Signed by ? McIlhagger. This document is badly water stained, hence the question marks. David was in fact aged 40 and was the husband of Elizabeth Louise Sherwood.

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