Monday, 21 January 2013

Drummaul Graveyard

It is a rare thing that, when browsing for one thing (Workhouses) on the Internet, one finds something else of interest. It was a list of interments 1904-1972 at Drummaul Graveyard, near Randalstown, near Antrim, County Antrim, Ireland. It had been transcribed by Alistair McCartney last year. There were three McIlhagga burials, all of people from Tullygarley / Tulaugharley in the parish of Connor, and all of people I had previously noted from the 1911 Census but about whom I have known nothing else. They are as follows:

6 Jan 1934, Andrew McIlhagga, 87 (born 1847), Labourer, Tullygarley, Connor; fee paid 2/6d.

16 Oct 1923, Matilda McIlhagga, 83 (born 1840), House Keeper, Tullygarley, Connor; fee paid 2/6d.

26 Nov 1938, William S. McIlhagga, 64 (born 1874), Labourer, Tulaugharley, Connor; fee paid 2/6d. 

Any information about these people would be gratefully received. It looks to me that Andrew and Matilda were probably related, either as husband and wife, or as brother and sister. I have noted previously that in the 1911 Census William's wife's name was Mary.

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